Third solar eclipse this year, and a good time to set intentions for the coming month. I’ll be signing up for a cob building workshop September 10-18, and finally a PDC in LA! Hope to see you in one (of both) of these.
The stars are aligning. We are learning lots about community living and are making many amazing new friends. So much in the works right now, I can’t even begin. Soon I’ll sit down and let you in on some of the plans.
The Cob Building class was removed before I could sign up! I’ll see if I can find something else. I did sign up for the PDC though. Hope to see you there
Great to hear from you Larry.And glad you appreciate the posts. We have such a good time at these evnets that we are compelled to post at least some of the pictures that were taken. I can’t help but think that after awhile, all the pictures from course after course must become a blur for those following you know lots of A-frames, rocket stoves and such. But all the faces are new as is the experience for the students so we will keep posting new pictures.Do you not have a new book coming out Larry? Keep us posted and we let our readers know about it. Your work in editing/publishing One-Straw Revolution by Masanabu Fukuoka is most inspiring.Till Later
Sorry, this is not Larry. I took the course with him. Great times there, I recommend taking his courses.