The Great Pacific North West

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The Boxes

Boy have we been busy! Turns out the U-Haul boxes, we hoped to have delivered by the time we made it to Port Townsend, were still in Southern California when we called 🙁. Luckily for us the place where we are staying has all the accoutrements we could want, since we are staying at a friend’s place while he is away.

Two U-Haul U-Boxes on trailer. One open with boxes on the street.
Took a bit, but our boxes made it in the end…

After two+ weeks of not having any of our stuff, the boxes arrived. We were then torn between happiness and loathing, as we now find ourselves living amongst boxes. Little by little we are sorting plans out and getting things setup for the next phase.

Home Sweet Little Home

What is that phase, you ask? Well since we joined the Port Townsend EcoVillage, we’ve been designing our home there. In a couple of months we hope to have the plans approved and the building started.

Blueprint screenshot
Our little home plans

We decided to go with conventional building, no cob or straw bale, because the permitting alone would take too many resources and time. Guess I’ll have to get my kicks with a cob bench or shed! The walls will be S.I.P.s (Structural Insulated Panel) which have many possible advantages:

  • Quicker build time
  • Higher insulating properties
  • Lower heating/cooling operational cost
  • Less wasted building materials

Common House

We are also in the middle of the common house build in the EcoVillage. Been going at this for a couple of year and it’s looking more and more finished. I’ll share more details as things progress, but here are some photos:

Inside building with insulation and frame showing.
All insulated and ready for drywall
Crane moving drywall through main door of building
Easiest way to get a lot of drywall into a place
Vegetable garden in foreground with common house being constructed
Annual garden looking great and common house just as well!

Till next time, keep it fun!

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