I’ve been bee keeping, on and off, for around four years now. Mostly off, as the previous two attempts ended up with empty boxes… The first time was my bad, since I had located the hive in a very sunny, dry, and windy place. I’ve come to find out this is not very conducive to…
Tag: bees
Picture This: Bees on Sunflower
Sunflowers are considered composite flowers, meaning the flower “head” is actually composed of many smaller flowers. Also they are not heliotropic, or follow the sun, as many people think. This is an old picture, but I thought you might enjoy it. It’s been crazy over here after the hectic move we had. We are still looking into our…
Picture This: Bee with pomegranate
Took this in a back yard in Glendale, Ca. I have this affinity for taking pictures of bugs. One of these days I’m going to buy one of them fancy macro lenses… Although I do have a nifty little lens for my phone’s camera! Thanks Photojojo
Bee careful, harvesting honey
I recently helped a friend out with harvesting honey from his bee hives. Having never been near a hive nor stung I had no natural fear of bees at all, nor did I know if I was allergic. Well, armed with pink dish washing gloves and window screening tied over a hat I was ready…