We’ve been on the road now for a while and have not had any time to write. Making many connections with land and people up here in Northern California. The plan is to drive up the west coast until we reach Portland making as many stops as possible along the way. All of which are permaculture, natural building or community oriented. Once we are back home we will talk over our options and find a new plot of land to park our temporary home on.
On our first stop, near Petaluma, we took a wonderful three day course, with Penny Livingston-Stark of RDI, on the subject of Women and Water. This was very informative, we talked about the traditional role of women as the providers/harvesters of water. In more traditional cultures, women have to walk six hours or more just to be able to provide their family with water for the day. Most of the time this water is barely potable and needs filtration. We discussed the general functions of a watershed and took a day long hike to the Mt. Tamalpais watershed. On the last day we went to the RDI Common Wheel Garden and helped setup/reconfigure part of the laundry to landscape grey water system.
After the course, we were lucky enough to chat around a table with Penny and her husband James about possible spots to visit up north and the role of intentional communities in general. I look forward to going back and taking a more intensive course with them.