I believe that here are no coincidences. So as you might have read, I went to a Transition meeting a little while back. I signed up to their news letter, but being as they are kinda far I asked for more local contacts. Lo and behold they send me the info of a an Urban Farm called Edendale. These people are literally across the lake from me. No more than a ten minute bike ride.
While upholding permaculture practices they harvest water, do bio-intensive farming, composting, aqua culture, raise small farm animals. The list is incredible! I’m planing on going there on Monday to scope it out. They teach classes in all sorts of awesome things. Last I heard they did a cob oven! Oh did I mention they WWOOf? More on that later. Now I’m going on a double date.
Viva la revolucion!
I'm interested in going to Edendale farm. Did you go?
Deanna Allen
I plan on going on Monday. It's raining pretty hard though. I'll be sure to post about it when I do. In the mean time have a look at their web page. It looks like it needs some updating and is not finished. However, it's inspiring and makes me think they have better things to do with their time. For example, improve our world.
Update: I went today after not getting a reply to my email asking for info. No answer. I'll find them yet!