SRI, originally a rice farming technique developed in Madagascar by French Jesuit Henri de Laulanie, stands for System of Rice Intensification. This system spawns from over twenty years of observation of “deviant” farmers in the area. Instead of espousing the rice paddy‘s traditional approach, this technique: Transplants the seedlings at a very early stage in the…
Category: water
Hitting the road
We’ve been on the road now for a while and have not had any time to write. Making many connections with land and people up here in Northern California. The plan is to drive up the west coast until we reach Portland making as many stops as possible along the way. All of which are…
Solar tracked thermosiphoning water heater
About a year ago I wrote about a thermosiphoning passive solar water heater from Build It Solar. Well, they have out done themselves. Now they show a design that will also track the sun as it travels from east to west. This increases it’s water heating capabilities by %30!
Thermosiphoning Passive Solar Water Heater
Build it Solar brings it again! This might be common knowledge but, heat rises and cold falls. This is the action behind thermosiphoning. The short and sweet of it is that you run some cold water through metal pipes that are being hit by the sun to heat it. You have a circulating system where…
Did I mention how much I love this blog?
Solar water heating using a unique master and slave collector design. These guys are so on top of energy conservation and DIY projects! Beware of going into this blog or related page without hours to spare.
There is hope!
This TED talk from Dan Barber reminds us we can clean up the environment while producing biodiversity and productivity.