I’ve been struggling to understand the inner workings of the life of a battery. When it’s charging per instance. How much is too much? In what amount? How often? And more. Being that battery banks are one of the most expensive parts of most off-grid systems, you better take care and know how to treat…
Category: The Plan
Energy Matters
Captain’s log: It’s been a long while since I’ve posted anything, with good reason… I finally decided to take the plunge and relocate the batteries and do a general upgrade of the electrical system. Being that I knew next to nothing about electrical work, it became an epic battle for knowledge and power… It all…
Gaining Traction
A friend mentioned a quote yesterday that I feel is appropriate to start this post. “Frustration is a sign your inner purpose has no traction” We have been here for a month and a half now. Progress report you say? Well we’ve got most of our excess stuff sorted and need a storage shed for…
No internet makes blogging complicated
So as you know we’ve been living off-grid for almost a month now. The amount of information I’ve accrued is crazy. Set up some stuff, fixed some and broke some others. At this point the main goals are, reliable battery charging and internet. Blogging gets tricky when you are not online. I’ll be back on…
Progressing towards the goal
We finally got tired of the “intentional community” and are moving off grid with our new truck and fifth wheel.
Is the Universe trying to tell me something?
The universe is a strange place full of amazing coincidences. This is the story of how we made the move to an intentional community from an apparently great apartment.