If you’ve not seen this page yet. I highly recommend it. It contains a LARGE number of talks by prominent scientists, artists, writers and people from many other worthwhile occupations. I like this page so much I think I’ll just start posting links on some of the most interesting ones I see. This talk is…
Author: Sergio
Great Ecovillage resource
Book Shelf: Omnivore’s Dilemma
I just finished reading Omnivore’s Dilemma by Michael Pollan (OK I really just listened to the audio book, thanks Los Angeles Public Library). It is a very insight full and well written book. In it, he goes into detail about three types of meals. One from industrial food, organic, and foraged/hunted. First he talks about…
Think I’ve found it.
I’ve got to check these guys out. They hold a natural building intensive that looks great! I think they use a mixture of cob and straw bale techniques. Very visually appealing. Now if only I could heal my lower back and get the time off of work…
Some great ideas
I love this webpage! They have an amazing amount of information. This article features a neat technique using Geothermal Air Exchange combined with “Energy Recovery Ventilation”. They bury a pipe about 7′ underground to make the air passing through cooler or warmer depending on the outside temperature, thus maintaining the home at a relatively constant…
The Greenman Project
Here I set forth a plan to reclaim what has been taken from us without our consent. I speak of the ability to do things for ourselves. This is of course a biased blog. I love all things nature, enjoy DIY projects, go backpacking as often as possible and generally feel overwhelmed by the overly…